I specialize in the history and material culture of early medieval Europe. I have a background in archaeology and architectural history, and I combine those topics with the study of the way history was written in the Early Middle Ages. I have published a Latin edition and an English translation of the ninth-century author Agnellus' Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis (Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna). My book Ravenna in Late Antiquity is a history of the city and monuments of Ravenna from the fifth to the ninth centuries (2010). My most recent book, Fifty Early Medieval Things, was co-written with Paolo Squatriti and Hendrik Dey, and was published in 2019. My current book project considers the role of bishops as church-builders, from late antiquity through the Carolingian period. Finally, from 1995-2021 I was the Executive Editor of The Medieval Review, an online book review journal in medieval studies. I teach surveys and upper-level courses on late antique and medieval history, as well as more specialized courses on topics related to the western European Early Middle Ages.

Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis
Donald A. Rogers Professor, Department of History
Department of History